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Walker Magnetics in

Walker Magnetics
Walker Magnetics

Oakley S. Walker invented the electromagnetic chuck in 1896, and the following year he founded the O.S. Walker Company. As imaginative and forward-looking as he was, he couldn't have foreseen that his company, less than a century later, would be an international leader in the design and manufacture of a wide range of products for light and heavy industry and the applied sciences.

New product development and the acquisition of complementary companies continue to strengthen Walker Magnetics' capabilities. We're known by some customers as manufacturers of rugged, durable, and reliable magnetic lifting systems that can handle as much as 100 tons of steel, other customers know us for magnets and conveyor systems that move materials through their plants quickly and efficiently - still others know us for ultra-precise instruments that can measure magnetic fields as low as 1 gamma (10-5 gauss). But they all know Walker as a group of companies committed to helping our customers solve their problems and meet their emerging needs.

After more than 100 years, Walker Magnetics has developed an international reputation as the leader in the field of magnetic technology. Its products for workholding, lifting, material handling, conveying and testing are sold globally. Walker manufacturing facilities and customer service centers are strategically located throughout the world.

Walker Magnetics
Milwaukee Wisconsin

Contact : Don Morgan
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