Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys, Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys is a world wide information trading site and was established to promote trade in the Exotic Metals Industry. STAINLESS STEEL & HI-TEMP ALLOYS
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EMX Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy Exchange Listings
( Silicon )

 EMX  Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy Listings
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Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy
( Grade : Silicon )

MORE GRADE LISTINGS : Wanted (1) | Available (0)
CATEGORY LISTINGS : Wanted (1) | Available (0)
Listings: (1 - 1) of 1

WANTED : LW1368967
Shipping Pt. / Location: INDIA, DELHI DELHI

To contact this listing, ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLICK GO :
Quantity Units Frequency
5000 Kg. Month
Price Funds Per Unit
4.00 USD Kg.
Cadmium Metal - Cadmium Rod 9999. Cadmium includes all grades of Cadmium in a metal form. When listing Cadmium Metal please state clearly the grade quality and the size, shape and weight of the metal.

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