Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys, Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys is a world wide information trading site and was established to promote trade in the Exotic Metals Industry. STAINLESS STEEL & HI-TEMP ALLOYS
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Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2016-02-25.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy : AVAILABLE TO SELL


high density heavy alloy spheres.
Tungsten alloy sphere is very dense and small in volume, which means it can be used in fields requiring small but heavy parts Counterweights in golf clubs, fishing weights Counterweights for military defense, projectiles in missile weapons, armor piercing ammunition, hunting equipment, counterweights for hunting gun, prefabricated fragments, counterweights for oil logging, also some fields in precision industry, such as mobile phone vibrator, clock cube, self-winding watches, anti-vibration toll holders, flywheel weights

Listing ID: LA1154789
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Quantity Units Frequency
1000 Kg. Week
Price Funds Per Unit
50 USD Kg.

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 127 ) DATE
LA1158183 Available Stainless Steel Alloys 66392586. 2016-04-06 08:12:00
LA1157083 Available SiO2 Refined and sands 98-99% Black and White. 2016-03-23 13:31:00
LA1154789 Available high density heavy alloy spheres. 2016-02-25 16:01:00
LA1154788 Available Tungsten Alloy Swaging Rod. 2016-02-25 15:56:00
LA1154781 Available High density heavy alloy tungsten ball . 2016-02-25 15:06:00
LW1154713 Wanted Stainless Steel Alloys. 2016-02-25 08:14:00
LA1149752 Available High Quality Open Die Forging Ship Intermediate Shaft . 2016-01-03 21:15:00
LW1145811 Wanted Stainless Steel Alloys. 2015-11-12 00:45:00
LW1131780 Wanted Ferro Silicon (over 75%). 2015-06-22 03:23:00
LA1126165 Available Granulated Antimony. 2015-04-25 07:45:00
LA1125271 Available 17-4 PH Solids. 2015-04-17 06:55:00
LW1114207 Wanted Manganese (electrolytic). 2015-01-04 12:11:00
LA1100127 Available Stellite 31. 2014-08-06 04:18:00
LA1095544 Available Tungsten Powder. 2014-06-19 08:12:00
LA1079316 Available laboratory grade Hg. 2014-01-27 15:04:00
LW1077755 Wanted 718 VQ solids. 2014-01-14 11:54:00
LA1072939 Available Tungsten Metal. 2013-11-25 18:06:00
LW1064318 Wanted Tungsten Carbide . 2013-09-06 09:10:00
LA1062436 Available FE/VANADIUM, 15/85%. 2013-08-19 06:00:00
LA1052323 Available MERCURY 99.99/100. 2013-05-17 09:59:00
LW1049847 Wanted Mercury. 2013-04-25 11:06:00
LA1048023 Available Pure silver Metallic mercury 99.999%. 2013-04-09 05:00:00
LA1046477 Available FE/VANADIUM, 15/85%. 2013-03-27 04:18:00
LW1044001 Wanted indium. 2013-03-02 21:56:00
LA1042351 Available Nickel pig iron. 2013-02-14 22:39:00
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