Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys, Stainless Steel and Hi-Temp Alloys is a world wide information trading site and was established to promote trade in the Exotic Metals Industry. STAINLESS STEEL & HI-TEMP ALLOYS
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Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2021-04-25.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Exotic Metal & Certified Alloy : AVAILABLE TO SELL


Cadmium 6n (99.9999%).
Metal ingots weighing 3.7 - 4.5 kilograms in individual plastic packaging and sealed wooden boxes. The purity of the metal is confirmed by the expertise of the laboratories of the institutes "Giredmet" (Russia) and "Fresenius" (Germany). Any examinations are possible at any time by agreement. Years of production-2001-2003, Russia.

Listing ID: LA1305126
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
8000 Kg. One Time Only
Price Funds Per Unit
750 USD Kg.

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 127 ) DATE
LW1368238 Wanted MANGANESE. 2024-08-04 18:46:00
LA1357578 Available Hg. 2023-10-31 14:39:00
LA1355012 Available Nickel. 2023-08-23 07:27:00
LA1338156 Available 2101 Duplex Stainless Steel plate, replaces 304. 2022-09-25 09:42:00
LW1332221 Wanted Metalic mercury. 2022-06-25 16:28:00
LW1332199 Wanted Stainless Steel scrap 304 & 316. 2022-06-25 10:40:00
LA1326795 Available Cobalt Concentrate. 2022-03-23 06:57:00
LA1325528 Available Vanadium ore. 2022-03-01 03:20:00
LA1311501 Available Cadmium 99.9999. 2021-07-15 11:01:00
LA1307833 Available Cerium Mischmetal ingots . 2021-05-24 19:03:00
LA1305126 Available Cadmium 6n (99.9999%). 2021-04-25 12:57:00
LA1302252 Available 99.5 percent Vanadium Metal ingot. 2021-03-26 14:04:00
LA1296396 Available Columbite Niobium Ore. 2021-01-18 15:21:00
LA1292341 Available Niobium ore. 2020-12-01 15:43:00
LA1289449 Available Columbium Niobium Ore. 2020-10-26 16:59:00
LA1289397 Available Manganese ore . 2020-10-26 07:34:00
LA1288046 Available Chrome ore. 2020-10-12 11:10:00
LW1283173 Wanted pure tungsten rod purity 99.95% density 19.23. 2020-08-26 03:07:00
LA1280714 Available Niobium Ore. 2020-08-03 14:58:00
LA1268275 Available Zirconium Metal. 2020-04-02 08:48:00
LA1267115 Available Tantalum Metal. 2020-03-16 12:28:00
LA1264010 Available TUNGSTEN CRUCIBLE SCRAPS. 2020-02-18 04:12:00
LA1262457 Available Cobalt Chips. 2020-02-02 03:06:00
LA1247467 Available Cobalt concentrates. 2019-06-16 23:57:00
LA1245626 Available Liquid mercury. 2019-05-26 00:09:00
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